ipr dental procedure
It is used to help with orthodontic treatments which may include the correction of crowding or reshaping the area between the neighboring teeth. IPR is an irreversible procedure and can be an alternative to dental extraction. Pin On Dental Clinic Dentist Lab Stuffs To Buy Lnterproximal reduction IPR also known as tooth stripping or interdental reduction is the removal of small amounts of outer enamel tooth surface between two adjacent teeth. . The dentist simply uses their chosen tools drill andor abrasive strips and incrementally files down and slices away small amounts of each tooths enamel until the needed amount of reduction has been accomplished. This is beneficial when a small amount of dental crowding must be eliminated and the removal of adult teeth or expansion of the dental arches by. Interproximal reduction IPR also known as tooth stripping is a procedure that is sometimes undertaken as part of the Invisalign treatment process w...